Ensuring Compliance During COVID-19 Alert Level 3

Kiwis, you should be patting yourselves on the back. You banded together as one five-million-person team and dramatically decreased the number of cases of COVID-19 sweeping the country daily. Be proud, but know that we’re not out of the woods yet. 

Now, more than ever, we need to be making sure we keep those gains. By doing so, we can stamp out the virus and get our lives back on track. That’s why business owners need to be looking at compliance during COVID-19 Alert Level 3. Remain compliant in your business and site operations, and do your part to protect those around you.

There’s no time to waste. Before the country transitions from Alert Level 4 to Alert Level 3, take the time to put site operating procedures in place. Your COVID-19 pandemic planning begins here.

COVID-19 business signage

Implement Basic Principles

Most of us by now have a reasonably good grasp on social distancing. While it’s a new term, it is one that has been saving lives up and down the country. Social distancing should be one of the things you implement into your business to remain compliant during Alert Level 3. 

·       Maintain a two-metre distance between yourself and others

·       Practice thorough hand washing and sanitising

·       Maintain your company’s safety culture

·       Practice correct coughing and sneezing techniques

Implementing basic principles can also include following the guidance from the Ministry of Health and WorkSafe New Zealand. Essentially, you and your employees should be familiar with the Health and Safety Act 2015.

As a business owner, it’s also important not to forget appropriate training for staff and site inductions.

Have Prevention Procedures in Place

No one would have ever thought they would need pandemic procedures in place for their business, but that’s the hand that 2020 has dealt. Therefore, two things have to take place to ensure compliance in your business during COVID-19 Alert Level 3. These are procedures for site operation and site planning.

One of the most important things to do is verify the health of your workers and visitors. No one should be able to visit your business – to work or for services – if they are unwell. Control site access, put in place a communication strategy, and don’t underestimate the value of toolbox meetings to reaffirm health and safety procedures.

Preparing for Level 3 in your workplace may also include arranging for showers and changing facilities as part of worksite sanitation, and updated cleaning procedures.

Any contaminated sites must be cleaned and disinfected with appropriate PPE. If your company cannot manage this, then align yourself with a business that can

Follow Risk Management Procedures

During alert Level 4, essential businesses such as supermarkets and pharmacies were allowed to remain open. However, as we transition to Level 3, non-essential companies that can avoid customer contact may also open. 

Now is the time to start planning your risk management procedures to ensure you can operate your business safely. Staff and customer protection is paramount.

Brush up yourself and your team on accident and incident reporting, and carry out regular toolbox meetings. A training matrix, or training chart, can also help track your team’s competence and qualifications to ensure the right person is doing the right job.

If you’re not sure where to begin, there are plenty of training institutions out that can help you put the right risk management procedures in place for your business. 

Appoint a COVID-19 Safety Coordinator

While you should be able to rely on your team to keep your business compliant, it helps if there is someone to oversee proceedings and keep everyone on the right track. That person can be the COVID-19 safety coordinator.

That supervisor is responsible for workers, auditing and managing your site, and carrying out site inspections. Once again, companies are now offering help and education for businesses to manage their compliance, so reach out without delay.

Questions to Ask While Preparing for Level 3 Operations

WorkSafe New Zealand wants to ensure that businesses are as prepared as possible for the change in alert levels. In fact, for companies to resume operations, they need to have a COVID-19 safety plan in place that outlines their safe working practices.

Before you put that ‘open’ sign up, ask yourself the following questions, as outlined by WorkSafe:

  1. Are there any risks arising from restarting your business or a business activity that has been shut down during Alert Level 4, and how will you manage these?

  2. How will you ensure all workers know how and are able to keep themselves safe from exposure to COVID-19?

  3. How will you gather information on the wellness of your workers to ensure that they are safe and well to work?

  4. How will you operate your business in a way that keeps workers and others safe from exposure to COVID-19?

  5. How will you manage an exposure or suspected exposure to COVID-19?

  6. How will you evaluate, and continuously review, whether your work processes or risk controls are effective?

  7. How do any changes impact on the risks of the work you do? 

Ask for Help

We are in unprecedented times. Who would have thought that the entire world would close down to fight a virus? While it sounds like the plot of a B grade movie, it’s reality. Before you transition your business from Alert Level 4 to Alert Level 3, put a plan in place. Seek help from companies that can help with education, compliance, and COVID-19 infection control services.

Klaris Chua-Pineda